Wednesday, November 19, 2008

NaBloPoMo - Day 18 & 19

Oops...didn't write yesterday. But you know what I had a hell of a day so I'm pretty certain that I wouldn't have been able to create anything with the usual wit and intelligence for my loyal readers (Hi Dad!).

So today I've recovered from the depths of self pity and have a been pondering a life question...

Will Tim and I ever be ready to have kids?

I feel like everyone is having babies or if they are not they are talking about them or someone they know who is preggers or trying to get pregnant or are having a baby "with out trying"...really?...

When we got married (at 22 and 23) right after "Congratulations on your wedding" came "so when are you going to start a family?" Besides the fact that I think that question is rude to ask any new bride, not to mention one who is 22, I always stifled the urge to say "Nunya damn bidness!" and punch them in the I would politely laugh and smile and add them to my hit list...

But I digress, I just wonder if we will ever be ready. When the subject comes up we say yeah...someday, after we are done with school, make a certain amount of money, live a certain place, own a house, have a certain number of years of our careers under our belts... I'm leaning toward before I'm 40. We can't just plan everything out or it will never be the right time to make a life long investment our human spawn.

You may be thinking..."Lauren, you are obviously want to have a baby." You are wrong. I go through great lengths to NOT have a baby. I have a change of venue and 3 years of law school ahead of me not to mention the fab career that I've started and I'm "only" 25.

But none the less the question still lingers. I know when the time is right Tim and I will be ready even if we aren't.

1 comment:

yomama said...

i can wait to be a yaya. as to becoming a parent: no one should take on this awesome responsibility until they are ready..... on the other hand, if it "happens" you have 9 months to prepare and deal with crazy grandparents, friends, well-wishers, obnoxious people without boundaries and becoming an accomodating easy-bake oven for a large expanding bun.